63 research outputs found

    A New Framework for Measuring Volume of Axisymmetric Food Products using Computer Vision System Based on Cubic Spline Interpolation

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    Volume is an important factor to determine the external quality of a food product. The volume measurement of food product is not a simple process if it is performed manually. For alternative, several volume measurement methods for food products have been proposed using 2D and 3D computer vision. Disk method and frustum cone method have been applied in many 2D computer visions to approximate the volume of axisymmetric food products. These methods were less in accuracy, since it used piecewise linear function to approximate the boundary of the object. This paper aims to propose a new framework for measuring the volume of axisymmetric food product based on cubic spline interpolation. Cubic spline interpolation is employed to construct a piecewise continuous polynomial of the boundary of object from captured image. The polynomial is then integrated to approximate the volume of the object. The simulation result shows that the proposed framework produced accurate volume measurement result


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    Integral is part of calculus as a basic science. However, some of us say that understanding integral is very difficult. Some of us also say that studying integral is useless. Because of those, it is needed to think, create a new method to make someone feel easy and usefully when he study integral. Here, it was created a method that let student doing directly, solving real problem using integral. In this paper, it is discussed calculate the amount of material that is used for finery pattern. Calculate the material is the same as calculate area of a field using integral. The idea was applied in a calculus class. The result of implementation shown 97.1% respondent agree that study integral by practice is wonderful and helpful for understanding theory. It is shown from the result of pre test and post test, 70.3% respondent has higher post test score compare the pre test score

    Analisa Perluasan Model Rosenzweig-MacArthur dengan menggunakan Perturbasi Singular

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    Dalam membahas rantai makanan dua dimensi (prey - predator), biasanya digunakan model rantai makanan Rosenzweig-MacArthur. Untuk mendekati keadaan sebenarnya, akan ditambahkan satu variabel baru (predator tingkat dua) pada model itu. Model ini disebut perluasan model Rosenzweig-MacArthur. Dinamika dari perluasan model RosenzweigMacArthur dapat diketahui dengan terlebih dahulu membentuk model menjadi nondimensional, kemudian digunakan metode perturbasi singular. Dengan metode ini dapat diketahui kondisi yang stabil dari sistem, dimanatidak terjadi kepunahan dari ketiga spesies tersebut (prey-predator tingkat satu-predator tingkar dua)


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    TPPT personality test participants often have trouble interpreting their test questions and results. That’s why its requires explanation for participants to make it easier to understand their questions and results of their personality test. To overcome these problems, an android-based TPPT application was created, it has an explanation and understanding of test and test results in the form of video. After implementation and verification, the application is in accordance with the design and error free. Based on the validation data it is known that the application has been able to help explain to TPPT participants to understand and know their personality


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    TPPT personality test participants often have trouble interpreting their test questions and results. That’s why its requires explanation for participants to make it easier to understand their questions and results of their personality test. To overcome these problems, an android-based TPPT application was created, it has an explanation and understanding of test and test results in the form of video. After implementation and verification, the application is in accordance with the design and error free. Based on the validation data it is known that the application has been able to help explain to TPPT participants to understand and know their personality


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    TPPT personality test participants often have trouble interpreting their test questions and results. That’s why its requires explanation for participants to make it easier to understand their questions and results of their personality test. To overcome these problems, an android-based TPPT application was created, it has an explanation and understanding of test and test results in the form of video. After implementation and verification, the application is in accordance with the design and error free. Based on the validation data it is known that the application has been able to help explain to TPPT participants to understand and know their personality

    Analisis Titik Impas (Break Even Point) Penggunaan Lampu LED untuk Penerangan: Studi Kasus Gedung TG Universitas X di Surabaya

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    Energy conservation among others called energy management, is activities in organizing data collection, analyzing, planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating energy use. The increasingly limited supply of energy raises the demand to think about how to use the lights so that the breakeven point of the product used can be optimally utilized. The basic principle is the efficient and rational use of energy without reducing the use of energy that is really necessary, in other words the use of needs-based. The scope of this study is limited to the calculation of the breakeven point of use of 3 brands of LED lamps used for lighting that support the conservation of electrical energy. In the calculation of the break-even point, it is necessary to study the most efficient lamp brand. Therefore, in this studythe efficiency level will be calculated using three different brands of LED lights, namely brands A, B and C. The study was conducted by noting the use of electrical energy for lighting on a space in the TG building that was turned on for 8-9 hours every day. The measurement results state that LED B-brand lamps are economically more sparingly 55% each month compared to other brands, and operational cost advantage occurred in the 78th month while other brands occurred in the 91st month


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    Materi genetika merupakan materi yang cukup susah untuk dipelajari bagi siswa SMP dikarenakan kurangnya sumber pembelajaran yang efektif dan kemampuan untuk mempraktikan materi tersebut. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dibutuhkan suatu cara yang dapat membantu siswa SMP dalam menguasai materi genetika secara praktikal untuk meningkatkan dan memfasilitasi pembelajaran siswa dalam materi genetika. Dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut, dibuatlah sebuah game puzzle bertema genetika untuk siswa SMP. Landasan teori yang digunakan untuk membuat game ini adalah gameyang baik,gameplay design,user interface untuk game, AGE framework,flat design, dan hereditas. Analisis data yang dilakukan untuk mendukung pembuatan game ini adalah identifikasi masalah dananalisis aplikasi sejenis. Hasil analisis disimpulkan ke dalam analisis kebutuhansistemdari game puzzle genetika. Desain yang dibuat untuk game ini adalah desain materi, desain gameplay, desain user interface, dan desain visual. Game puzzle yang dibuat akan dinamakan Genetify yang mana pemain akan menyilangkan gene berbasis makhluk hidup yang akan didasarkan pada Hukum Mendel. Game ini dibuat dengan menggunakan software Adobe Flash CS6, Adobe Illustrator CS6, dan Unity versi 5.2.3f1. Game yang dibuat kemudian melalui proses uji coba berupa verifikasi dan validasi. Melalui kedua proses tersebut, diketahui bahwa game puzzle bertema genetika yang dibuat untuk siswa SMP dapat membantu penguasaan praktikal dari pemainnya terhadap materi genetika


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    Kegiatan posyandu balita merupakan kegiatan rutin di desa Wangkal Kecamatan Krembung Kabupaten Sidoarjo, dengan agenda penimbangan balita. Kader posyandu, ibu bidan dan ketua tim penggerak PKK berkeinginan untuk mendirikan taman posyandu yang menggabungkan kegiatan penimbangan balita dengan kegiatan yang dapat membantu proses perkembangan balita. Langkah awal yang dapat dilakukan adalah ketersediaan alat permainan edukasi (APE) di posyandu. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberi pengetahuan dan keterampilan kepada kader posyandu sehingga memiliki kemampuan dalam membuat dan menggunakan alat permainan edukasi. Bentuk kegiatan berupa penyusunan lesson plan (berisi tujuan, metode penyampaian beserta alat permainan edukasi dan interaktif yang digunakan), pelatihan pembuatan alat permainan edukasi, dan pendampingan pelaksanaan lesson plan di posyandu. Hasil dari pengabdian berupa lesson plan dan perlengkapannya. Perlengkapannya meliputi panggung boneka, boneka tangan, kolam ikan dan pohon berhitung, papan tempel bermagnet, puzzle, ular tangga transportasi, dan lainny

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian Ubi Jalar Di Desa Selotapak

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    Selotapak is one of the villages in the Trawas District area of Mojokerto Regency, East Java. This village is one of the sweet potato producing communities. At the time of harvest, the harvest reaches 40-50 tons per hectare. But often at the time of harvest, the price of sweet potatoes becomes very low. This price makes farmers unable to benefit, even many who lose. On the other hand, the storage period of sweet potatoes is also not long. The farmers must immediately sell their crops. Therefore another alternative is needed in marketing sweet potatoes so that the selling price can increase. The purpose of this activity is to provide knowledge to the community in processing sweet potatoes into superior products of the village. The goal is done by providing training in processing sweet potatoes into several products, namely flour, noodles, brownies, ice cream roll, and yogurt. The results of the activities is training modules in making superior products. Based on the training results, over 80% of the training participants feel the benefits of the training and the module easy to understand, so participants can practice it independently
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